Educole The Girls' School

Extra Curricular

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"Dance is the joy of movement and the heart of life."

Dance is more than exploring different ways to make a shape or learning a series of steps to music,it is a way of moving that uses the body as an instrument of expression and communication.Through dance, students learn teamwork, focus, and improvisational skills.

Dance also enables students to better understand themselves by helping them realise their potential.Through the arts, teachers can often teach children to recognise the contribution of all cultures to the fabric of our society and increase the understanding of diversity and values of all people.

Dance is a performing art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement.This movement has aesthetic and symbolic value, and is acknowledged as dance by performers and observers within a particular culture.


"Music" education improves and develops language skills in children.Music stimulates the brain, and with varied sounds and lyrics, students are exposed to a large amount of vocabulary in a short amount of time.Music also provides exposure to other languages, which creates foundation for the students' ability to understand and communication in a different language.Music is a vehicle for excellent memory skills.Music is found in every known society,past and present, and is considered to be a cultural universal.


Taekwondo is a system of symmetrical body exercises or techniques designed for self defense and counterattack in unarmed combat, making use of the hands and feet as weapons and defenses.However, Taekwondo is not merely physical skill,it is also a way of thought and life, through strict discipline. Taekwondo trains both the body and the mind placing great emphasis on the development of moral helps the students to learn control of the mind, self discipline, kindness and humility must accompany the physical grace.

Arts and Crafts

The importance of art and craft for students extends far beyond the classroom.These creative endeavours contribute to a well- rounded education by fostering enhances cognitive development, and promoting personal growth.They equip students with valueble life skills such as patience, preserverance, and time management, while also nurturing their self- esteem and individuality. Arts and Crafts activities help instil a sense of achievement and pride in children, boosting their self - confidence.The opportunity to create whatever a child desires helps foster creativity. A child will learn to make correct and effective decisions by facing and solving artistic challenges.

Yoga & Aerobics

EDUCOLE focuses on moral and value based education which is backed by time tested techniques of meditation, relaxation, aerobics and yoga to nurture a strong character and well balanced development.

For students, Yoga is integral to their physical and mental health. By Yoga, student can be healthy in body and mind and, consequently, excel in her academics.

Typically, when we think of ‘yoga” we tend to think of postures or asanas and, hence associate the benefits of yoga with physical well-being alone. But if one looks at Yoga closely, the word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit word “Yuj” which means to unite. The practice of yoga is known to bring about a perfect harmony between mind and body and this unity plays a great role in the overall stability.

We have been following the practice of Yoga in our school curriculum . Not only does it translate into better academic outcomes, but also improved holistic growth and development. Yoga has also become the best way for physical and mental fitness and has been accepted as the best way to embrace positivity in life, as

* Improved Physical and Mental Health

*Effective Brain Development

* Enhanced Memory

* Better Concentration

*Reduced Stress

*Increased Motivation and Productivity

* Improved Academic Performance


The abacus is a simple yet effective tool that help students build different things, from concentration and focus to brain development and math skills.Learning the abacus is a great way to improve the child’s abilities and make them more capable with their studies and in all areas of their life,such as when playing sports or doing an analytical task.Starting abacus training at an early age has its advantages.Students develop a better understanding of the concepts and can also progress at a faster rate .


Opportunities for Creative writing and taking part in Debates, Recitation and Declamation, to improve rhetorical skills and eloquence in public speaking are provided.More importantly , girls are encouraged to exhibit these skills.They are escorted to witness various cultural programmes are sent to represent the school in co- curricular fixtures hosted by other schools as well.


Students should not be confined only to books alone during their educational journey, they require a life style conducive to their overall development.Apart from the physical, cognitive and social benefits, engaging in sports and games has a crucial and profound impact on their psychological well-being. Sports help release endorphins , resulting in less stress and anxiety that could affect not just the state of mind but also negatively impact academic performance.

Physical activity will promote better health and physique while developing essential skills and qualities.They also offer a break from academic pressure and stress by providing students with an outlet to unwind and refresh.

Sports impart health and agility of mind in a practical manner.Sports and games are an integral part of education.Playing gives to the body what reading gives to the intellect. Academic excellence is well balanced with the pursuit of sports like, Taekwondo,Yoga and specialised training in a number of games including Tennis, Bedminton , Cricket and Table Tennis.

So here at EDUCOLE we host many sports competition to promote a healthy relationship between the teams.